About The Gifford Partnership

Formed in January 2013, The Gifford Partnership is a specialist consultancy focussing on facilitating change in public policy. Liz and Robert Gifford can demonstrate a considerable track record of success over 30 years in the education, local Government and Parliamentary sectors.

robRobert Gifford
Following an early career as a teacher, in Unions and in local Government, Robert spent 18 years as Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety, a registered charity and associate Parliamentary group where he built extensive contacts across the transport sector in parliament, industry and in the media. Since January 2013 Robert has worked for a number of organisations on a freelance basis through the Gifford Partnership … More about Robert >>
lizLiz Gifford
A former secondary school head, Liz has over 30 years’ experience of education and training, both policy and practice. A skilled builder of partnerships, broker of relationships and leader and manager of projects, Liz has developed expertise in identifying opportunities to link learning with local and regional economic development. In 2004 Liz moved into consultancy and developed a business delivering projects connected with skills and employment …
More about Liz >>

They aim to use their communications expertise, strategic thinking and leadership skills to plan and execute coordinated campaigns through activities such as brainstorming and solving complex problems; strategy development; planning and coordinating events and conferences; research, consultation and report writing; lobbying & media relations.

If you have a project you would like to discuss, or just want to chat through the possibilities, contact Liz or Robert on 01908 569971 or via email on liz@giffordpartnership.co.uk or robert@giffordpartnership.co.uk


Is gender a factor in road safety?

June 24, 2013 at 2:14 pm

A new report from the European Transport Safety Council ( www.etsc.eu ) published this week suggests that gender is a factor that we need to consider more fully in road safety. Across the European Union, 49% of the population is …
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Apprentices… apprentices… apprentices…

March 8, 2013 at 5:01 pm

Our economy needs more technically trained people if it is to grow …
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How Safe Can the Roads Be?

March 8, 2013 at 12:07 pm

Can we really achieve zero death and serious injury on our roads?
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