European Transport Safety Council

I have worked with Rob in both his present capacity as freelance consultant and during his time as Executive Director of the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS). He brings enthusiasm and commitment to his work and is a highly professional colleague in any task.

Early in 2013, he worked with ETSC on the issue of Flight Time Limitations, rules governing the hours of work for pilots. This is an issue of some concern within Europe. If we get the new framework wrong, the travelling public may be at additional risk. On ETSC’s behalf, Rob chaired a meeting of the leading experts in fatigue and brought together their views in a synthesis paper that has subsequently been circulated to Members of the European Parliament and the Commission. The paper reviewed the research evidence and argued for a more scientific approach to fatigue management.

He has also chaired a number of events for ETSC in Brussels, keeping presenters to the timetable and ensuring that there was plenty of time for audience participation. He has always handled these events in a lively and good humoured way. I know that those who have attended have always taken away very positive experiences from these conferences and workshops.

If you are looking for someone who can bring intellect and commitment to a task, Rob is the person to choose.

Antonio Avenoso
Executive Director
European Transport Safety Council