Taking the Public Policy Agenda Forward


Specialist consultants in facilitating change through:

  • Problem solving
  • Consultation & events
  • Planning & project management
  • Lobbying & media relations
  • Research

About The Gifford Partnership

Liz and Robert Gifford can provide the impartial leadership and organisation to drive your public policy agenda forward.

Robert’s specialisms are in transport safety and local and national government. Liz’s has specialised in learning and training policy and practice. They are both effective leaders, organisers and communicators, skilled in strategic thinking and forming relationships and structures to make things happen.

Their experience covers the private, public, professional and charity sectors. They work on discrete projects or take on joint assignments.

If you are looking for someone to:

Gather views and material and write a strategy
Turn a strategy into a divving document
Review the services you provide
Put together partnerships for action
Form practitioner networks
Organise events
Chair seminars
Bring experts together and synthesize the outcomes into a proposition
Co-ordinate the production of plans

you can contact Liz on liz@giffordpartnership.co.ukor Robert on robert@giffordpartnership.co.uk. Alternatively, please phone 01908 569971 during office hours.

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“Rob is someone who can bring intellect and commitment to a task …”
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“Liz used her contacts and excellent networking skills to garner opinion and input …”
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Is gender a factor in road safety?

A new report from the European Transport Safety Council ( www.etsc.eu ) published this week suggests that gender is a factor that we need...

Apprentices… apprentices… apprentices…

Our economy needs more technically trained people if it is to grow ...
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How Safe Can the Roads Be?

Can we really achieve zero death and serious injury on our roads?
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